
John 16:33 - ESVI have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

My name is Bailey Belisario. I am a Christian, husband to my beautiful wife Amanda, and father to our two wonderful children, Bennett and Ruby. I have a deep passion for Jesus, learning, computers, and Bitcoin. Though I grew up attending church, I struggled for much of my life to understand the true meaning of Christianity. Only through Christ's grace and mercy did I come to comprehend Christianity with humility. As a sinner whose life was transformed by Christ's death and resurrection, I place my faith and trust in Him alone, for without Jesus, I would have no hope. He has saved me and loved me through everything, and His glory is worth sharing with those around me.

The Lord has instilled in me interests in cybersecurity, economics, history, and money. My journey in cybersecurity began in 2017 when I enrolled at Dakota State University. There, I earned my B.S. in Cyber Operations and M.S. in Computer Science, and I am grateful to Dakota State and the people who helped me get to where I am today. Currently, I work for Dakota State University as a Research Engineer and am blessed with the opportunity to teach courses there as part of my job.

In 2020, I developed an interest in investing and stocks during my free time. However, through learning, humility, and patience, the Lord revealed to me that I had made it an idol, leading me down a harmful path. Although this realization was painful, it prompted me to study economics, money, and eventually Bitcoin. I am grateful to have studied these topics through the lens of scripture, which has shaped my convictions about economics and money. I firmly believe that Bitcoin is the best form of money available and that it is also a powerful tool to promote the gospel, aligning with what the Bible teaches about biblical money.

In all aspects of my life — faith, family, work, and personal interests — I strive to honor God and share His love with others. I am grateful for the journey so far and look forward to what the future holds. My hope is to continue growing in my understanding of scripture and apply it in my life, to pursue my wife and love and cherish her always, work to be a faithful and strong leader for my family, and serve and speak truth to those in my community.